workshop of Photograph
When I do a photography project, I usually also do a workshop, which evolves in parallel with my photography. The theme is ‘for the future children: for the unborn.’ This program is intended for elementary school students.
First, I tell the children, ‘Please look for the oldest photographs in your home. We have one condition. The photo should be taken in this village; tourist resort and studio photos are no good. And if somebody in your family knows about the photographs, please ask them to tell you all about them.’
People assume that images can only tell part of the story. I believe that photography needs words to understand the whole story. My feeling is that photographs benefit a greatly from the concurrent presence of an oral tradition. This is one of my major goals in my work.
2011.07 岩手県花巻市東和町「子どもたちの 未来の子どもへ」、岩手
2010.07 写真の演劇10代編、東京 世田谷美術館(「フェリックス・ティオリエ写真展」)
2009.07 面河小学校「子どもたちの 未来の子どもへ」、愛媛